Tuesday, November 5, 2013

T-8 days and Counting

With all the turmoil in my life right now I forgot that my surgery is right around the corner. On Wednesday November 13th I go in for my TRAM Flap surgery. I can't wait to start this new chapter in my life.  It will be at the new medical pavilion. My Aunt is coming in to help me and stay at the hospital with me. I am nervous and excited at the same time. It should be an interesting time

Friday, October 18, 2013

One year latter......

Today is the one year mark of my official breast cancer diagnosis. I can’t believe that it has been a year already. I feel much stronger than I did a year ago. I was determined to beat this or at least beat it unto submission and that I have done so far. My reality is that I will always worry about it becoming metastatic, like my Mother’s ovarian cancer did. But I am also determined that I will not let that consume my life. If it happens I will deal with it then. I know I have great doctors now and they will pay very close attention to me. On Monday I go for the MRI to make sure everything is okay.
Looking back at this past year in the beginning I let my fear dictate how I chose my original surgeon and oncologist. I will not ever do that again. My first surgeon was so impersonal and I just felt like a number. The oncologist that she sent me to was a little bit better but I felt like once I told him that I would be using a different surgeon and going to Duke he had hands off approach with me. I rarely saw him after that and only saw his assistant. The one thing I loved about the oncology practice was their breast navigator. She was amazing and has become a good friend of mine to this day.
If I could go back and do it all over again I would have switched my chemotherapy to Duke. I think they would have handled my side effects much better. Lesson learned here always trust your gut. I am glad that I had the approach that I was not going to wait around for them to schedule me an appointment but the fact that I scheduled it myself. I think this made a difference in everything.
I am very happy that I changed breast surgeons and oncologists and did my radiation at Duke. Yes it was a trek to drive their everyday but it was worth it.  I barley have a scar and my reconstruction surgery is right around the corner. It is still the TRAM Flap surgery which in some ways I am excited to get. Yes I am looking forward to the tummy tuck. I am very nervous though about what my new boobs will look like. I know I have a great plastic surgeon though and he works well with the breast surgeon. It will be a long surgery but I may be in the new medical building which will be nice not to be in the main hospital. I am worried though about getting sick again and it will be one of my questions for Monday to ask them. I need to look up other ones too.
So there you have it one year later and I am still here kicking ass. Thank you for all the support that I had through twitter and on this blog it does mean a lot to me.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Pinkwashing and inappropiate facebook posts

Most of the time I can ignore an inappropriate facebook post or a stupid breast cancer game. This one I could not and I have taken it from picture from Tales of a Broken Boobie facebook page. I was completely disgusted by some of the pictures and posts that I have seen on facebook lately all in the name of breast cancer awareness. Including the picture below. I have also seen a woman’s big breasts in a profile picture stating that she supports breast cancer and I am sure that if I posted my one breast and stated the same thing I would offend somebody. This month should not be about the sexual side of breast but the side that helps someone with breast cancer. I am sure that if a male had testicular cancer they would not be setting their balls free in the name of support. It is just wrong. plain wrong. Agree with me or not agree with me but this is my opinion and I am stating out there. I also shared the below picture on my facebook page and called out someone on my friends list although I didn’t call him out by name I did post it right after he posted the original picture. I hope my point got across. Please remember what you are trying to do when you are posting something or buying something. Are you helping or hurting someone.

Monday, October 7, 2013


October is loved by many and also hated in the breast cancer community. I have a love/hate relationship with the color Pink. October should be about EDUCATION not awareness we are all aware of breast cancer. Go read a great post from Chemobrain it is  agreat breakdown of all the facts. Also read the breakdown of Dirty Pink Underbelly another great post. I didn't find my breast cancer through awareness I found it or my husband did I should say through self awareness we knew something was wrong once we felt the lump through education I realized I knew I needed to be proactive with getting tested. We need to teach woman and men to be proactive with their health. Today everything is too cut and dry and that needs to change also. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Shame on you ABC News!

First before I rant let me say I love ABC News and GMA is one of my favorite mornings shows. But after seeing this video I am ashamed that they had someone actually write this to a woman who has breast cancer and is dealing with metastatic breast cancer this is a fear for everyone but to be very rude to her and say that she was the cause of her cancer is just plain mean. Listen and see for yourself. My Mother passed from metastatic cancer 15 years after initial diagnose not her fault at all and not Katherine's fault either.

Breast Cancer Awareness: Stay Positive 2.0

Monday, September 30, 2013

National Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Week

Did you know that this week is National Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Week? You can read about it here. With Ovarian cancer that runs in my family and with me being diagnosed with breast this time last year I feel like I have come full circle. In August I was dreading Pinktober and the whole it has been one year since I was diagnosed and now I am feeling empowered and encouraged with the future and my future. More to come on that.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Happy Pills and NED

The next 30 days will be hard for me. I know they will be it has been almost one year since I had my mammogram and my husband found my lump. Followed by the endless rounds of tests and doctors appointments and then settling into the every two week chemotherapy. I started feeling lost during my radiation; I now realize that I was slowly sinking into a depression. That was a hard thing for me to finally come to terms with. I now call my Lexapro my happy pills. I am starting to feel better about myself and where I am now. I know that I will never go back to who I was before cancer that there are two sides to me now. It how I have been looking at my life before cancer and after cancer. Now I just need to learn how to love this new self of mine. It is different I am different right now I am still not even healed and will have about six months of reconstruction surgery that I will go though.
I have lots of thoughts on Pinktober and what this October means to me. I plan on going back and rereading some of my posts and see where I am now. But for now I am NED.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Rainbows in the Sky....


There was a lot that happened in August. I spoke to my oncologist and she suggested that I take Lexapro for the mood swings that I have been experiencing. Things have been much better at home. I have notice a difference in my feelings towards Richie are for the better now. I am no longer thinking about the end of my marriage but at the fact of making it stronger.

I have had very few side effects on the medicine. I noticed that if I take it at night it seems to help most.

My joint pain has been slowing getting better now gone yet but better.

I have scheduled my surgery date for November 13th. I cannot wait for that to happen maybe then I will finally feel like this nightmare is almost over. It will be a longer hospital stay but in the end it is the right decision for me.

There is more to come but I need to get my thoughts in order just wanted to check in. Have a great weekend!



Monday, August 5, 2013

Letrozole Side Effects

I knew after being put into chemopause and then having a hysterectomy I would have some side effects. I don’t think I was prepared for all the side effects I would have with Letrozole.

I can be okay with the hot flashes although some nights it is really bad I am okay with them I know that this is temporary.

The one that is really is hurting me literally is the joint pain. My hands hurt so much I went to the oncologist and told her what was going on. I am taking real pain the hands cramp at night and during the day they ache. I am taking ibuprofen and some vitamins. So far it has somewhat helped but not much. On my appointment with her on the 22nd it will be discussed.

The other not so nice side effect of Chemo/cancer/early menopause is the lack of libido there is none. Forget lack nonexistent. This is something that will be discussed in the survivor clinic later in the month. The only problem there is it my actual libido or is it because my marriage is falling apart? That is for a whole other post though.




August Appointments

Last night while chatting on Twitter with a friend I realized how long it has been since I have last updated my blog. There is a lot going on with me in terms of the breast cancer. I still don’t feel like a survivor nor am I comfortable with the term cancer free yet.
It has been nine months since I was diagnosed. It is crazy. Some days I feel like it has been years since I was diagnosed and sometimes it feels like yesterday.  
I have healed really well from the radiation I still show some markings but all in all the burns have gone away.
My August schedule is as follows with doctors there are a couple of them:
·         8/12 lymphedema physical therapy
·         8/19 I hit the BIG 40! Yeah me!
·         8/22 I have a Survivor Session scheduled with my oncologist I am looking forward to that. It is with four different departments so it should be interesting.
·         8/26 appt with Breast surgeon and the plastic surgeon to set my surgery date for November

Monday, July 1, 2013

All is okay!

I still love my breast surgeon! She is the best! I got in for a biopsy on that Monday. Was told results would be to be by Thursday. Dr. G called on Tuesday night at 8pm. Biopsy complete and no cancer was found. Dodged a bullet there. This totally affirms my choice to switch doctors and then also having the right breast mastectomy. I am very happy with my choices. Now I can sit back and relax until August when I will get my date for November. Feeling blessed!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

I love my breast surgeon!

Can I just say how much I love her. After much thought yesterday and thinking of every worst case scenario. I sent Dr. G an email this morning and 45 minutes later I have a phone call with a very reassuring voice stating that it is a fibroid cyst but to give me piece of mind they will biopsy next week and then she will see me right afterwards! I love her! So next week I will have that done and then be set for surgery in November! Yeah! So happy! I am also going to see if she can give me a tenative date for the reconstruction so I can have some sort of time frame in my mind.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hanging halfway off the mountian...

I jinxed myself. Dr. H (the radiation oncologist) office called today to see if they can have copies of my original scans done in October 2012. This does not sit well with me. I am running worst case scenarios around my brain tonight. Ugh.  Because of this I just really want to call the breast surgeon and ask to get the right breast mastectomy done now and then still do the reconstruction in November. I am so glad that I have decided to have this done because I would not be able to handle going in for mammograms every year.
So more to come glad that I have my prescription for the sleeping pills looks like I will need it.

Monday, June 10, 2013

I'm Free....sort of......

Today I had my appointment with the medical oncologist can I tell you how much I love Dr. M! She is so sweet and understanding of my fears. I have a lump/cyst on my right breast we are saying for now it is a cyst. Best case scenario it is a benign cyst worst case it is DCIS. Because it has not grown any bigger but I can feel it when someone is touching it we are going to keep an eye on it. Since I am getting rid of the right breast anyway and it will go through pathology either way it really doesn’t matter.
My next appointment is with the breast and plastic surgeon (who Dr. M called the dynamic duo) in August. Onward and upward!

Friday, June 7, 2013

I'm finally done!

I am all done with my radiation treatments. They ended on Tuesday the 4th. I had 30 treatments in total. I look bad and am hurting bad. It is tough to sleep on most nights. I know it will heal but right now it looks like a very bad burn which it is. There is no pink ribbon cuteness here.
My PET scan came back all clear. That was a huge relief. Next one is scheduled for October.  
On Wednesday I started the hormone Letrozole so far good. No real problems yet.
Monday I start my three month appointments with the oncologist. So we shall see what happens then and the next steps.
On August 9th I see the breast and plastic surgeon to set my dates for reconstruction. That I am looking forward to. I am ready for this to be somewhat over. I know it will never truly be over and I will be seeing the doctors every three months but in the end it is all worth it.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Halfway through Radiation

I am almost (I hope) through with my radiation. According to my calculations (before any changes are made) I have 12 left….
This has been grueling for me. One of the reasons why I have been so quiet lately.
My Day goes like this:
6:45 - wake up
7:30 - leave the house
8:15 – have radiation treatment  
10:00 – Start my day at work
7:00 – done with work
9:30 - most night’s bed

I am tired! My body is starting to hurt from the radiation. I am getting burned and it looks like I only have a tan on one side of my chest! I have also been having pains in my joints for the last couple of weeks. They are doing a PET scan tomorrow to see what is going on. I am scared. Too many times breast cancer metastases and I don’t want that to happen to me. Not that I could stop it or do anything differently.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Angelina Jolie…My Thoughts

First here is the article that is being talked about around the world today in case you did not already read it http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/14/opinion/my-medical-choice.html?_r=1&

My first thought was THANK YOU! Thank you for sharing your BRACA status and then in turn sharing your story of a double mastectomy. That choice to even get tested is a very private and emotional one.

After my Mother passed away from metastasis of ovarian cancer, my obgyn brought up me getting tested.This was back in 1997. It was very hush hush then. I paid out of pocket for my genetic counseling and then for the labs. Once the results were back that I was BRACA 2 positive my doctor kept them in a sealed envelope to prevent the insurance company from seeing them and using them against me.

I am happy with my decision to get tested. It has helped with most of my decisions lately and before my breast cancer diagnoses.

I am happy that Angelina Jolie has brought this to light. More people need to do so.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Since I was told in the hospital that I am cancer free I don't feel like it. I still feel like I have cancer and am very uneasy with the thought of being cancer free. I know it seems weird you would think I would be happy at the thought of being cancer free but I am not, at least not yet. I still need to go through radiation and will find out when I start and how long on Friday.
I finally took a shower today drain free. It felt good but I am still in pain. I don't feel like myself at all.
I feel like I am in this weird and unusual place. I should be happy my husband has been great and still wants me even though we can't yet. I have not thought about sex since I was diagnosed with cancer. I want to feel normal again but I know that it will be a long time before that happens.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Surgery and aftermath

My surgery was on 2/27 and went very well. I was in a lot of pain but was controlled through the drugs. Richie spent the night with me and I was released the next day. Once home I had a cough but didn't think too much of it. I spent a lot of time sleeping and really don't remember much. On Sunday I woke up shivering and shaking. Richie took my temp. and I was running a fever.
We called the doctors office and they told me to come into the emergency room. Erica and Aunt Ellen took me in and I was there for a long time. Richie came and they took Tyler with them and he stayed with me.
Everything with the surgery looked good. They did a CT Scan and I had signs of pneumonia. So I was admitted to the hospital. I was there until Saturday. I was finally let go after being fever free for a couple of days. I am still on the antibiotics but doing much better.
I still have some pain from the surgery and one drain is still in. My breast surgeon was amazing I have almost no bruising and the scar looks really good.
On the 21st I get my port out finally Yeah it is starting not to work. One thing I would never recommend is the port in the arm way to much can go wrong.
I am starting to heal though and feeling better and that is all that counts.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pre Surgery

Pre Surgery was okay went by with no problems. I went in the morning and got my blood drawn, then up to pre surgery where they went over everything.. The surgery will take about 5 hours and could be longer or shorter. The called me on Friday my blood levels are good but they forgot to type and cross me so I have to come in on Wednesday a half hour earlier. I will most likely have to be in there about 5:30 am.
We told Tyler yesterday that I will be going in for surgery on Wednesday and he will stay at Erica's during this time. Richie is going to stay with me in the hospital overnight. I am starting to get a little nervous and a little sad. I am guessing that is to be expected.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

8 days to go....

Ankle Update: I went to the orthopedic doctor on Friday. Ankle is okay just a bad sprain and small fracture on the top of my foot. I am in a boot for the week. Kind of a pain but better than a cast. The foot is all black and blue. It was hurting yesterday after working all day. I need to ice it more.

Tomorrow is the pre-op day at Duke. Should be no problems. I think I am allergic to the new cream that I bought though. I used it on my arms and legs and now I am bumps on them. Hoping that doesn’t cause any problems. I have no idea what to expect tomorrow expect I know that they are taking my blood and going over everything with me. The anticipation is bothering me though. I am very nervous about the lymph node removal more than the breast removal. Not sure why. I just want to know what to expect, only time will tell.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Not Sleeping.....

I haven't been sleeping well at night. It sucks. I keep thinking of everything. Will the cancer come back? What will happen during surgery? Will I be okay when I get home? All these thoughts are going around in my mind every night. I wish they would stop.
Then this morning as I was leaving to go to work I fractured my ankle. Yes you read that right 12 days before surgery I have fractured my ankle and will see the orthopedic surgeon this afternoon. I am hoping that they do not put me in a cast. Please do not put me in a cast!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Moving on to Duke

Yesterday I had my final pre op appointment at Duke. It was good and Richie went with me so he could finally meet the new breast surgeon and also meet the new oncologist.
Walking into the Duke Cancer Center is a lot like walking into a hotel. It is pretty relaxing or at least as relaxed as you can be.
Dr. Greenup went over the surgery with us again and what to expect. The nurse came in afterwards to go over the care of the drains. I was glad that he was there to hear everything and finally meet her.
Afterwards Dr. Mitchell came in and went over what will happen after surgery. We are going to wait on the pathology report to see if I have to do more chemo or if I can move onto radiation. If I need chemo again she will try and get me into one of the Duke studies. That would be a good thing but I am hoping no more chemo.
So all my oncology and all my medical will be at Duke. I am happy for this change.
I am getting a little nervous about the surgery more so about afterwards then the actual surgery. Richie is going to stay at the hospital with me and Tyler will stay with Erica until I come home. Should be interesting though.
14 days and counting!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Looking Back...

I can’t believe that it has been 4 ½ months since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. When I look back I knew something was wrong and I knew it was cancer. When I went for my annual mammogram I told the tech where the mass was and she told me I would have to come back to get an ultrasound. Once I had the ultrasound and they said I should have a biopsy I took things into my own hands. I did not wait for the Doctor to call me.
There is not much I would have done different through this whole thing. I think the main thing though is I would not have been so hesitant to get a second opinion. I love the new breast surgeon she takes the time that is needed to sit with me. I don’t feel rushed at all in her office and I feels that she cares for me as a person and not just a number. The other breast surgeon was kind of very cut dry and was like yes this cancer and here are all your appointments over the next couple of days and I will see you next week.
When I went to Duke for the second opinion and they knew it was the second opinion both the breast surgeon and the oncologist took their time with me.
The oncologist that I saw the 1st time also took his time with me but when I took my cousin to some of the appointments he was pretty dismissive with her and I didn’t really like that.
I like the idea of having all my stuff in one center and everyone having access to each other. Where as if I kept the oncology part at CCNC they would have to get my stuff from Duke. Since I am planning on doing the radiation at Duke it was easier to just transfer everything there. So it will be done as of Monday.
I am actually looking forward to Monday’s appointment it will answer many questions I have about afterwards and they might not be answered until after surgery but at least I can see what the team is thinking.
I have a good feeling about the surgery, I am hoping that everything goes well during surgery and I get clean margins. I am a little nervous though. I guess I should be I took on Chemo head on and knew I needed to get through this. Now that it is over I can’t believe that I worked through the whole thing. One thing I am very grateful for the fact that I did not get sick at all. Yes I had complications during it but I was able to handle all of them. I am hoping that I can do the same through the recovery. I am nervous more about the drains though and how do I explain the surgery to Tyler. I hope he does okay with it. But that we won’t know until I am home.
19 days and counting!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Taxol # 4

Right now I am sitting here getting my premeds for my last Taxol treatment. It is amazing how this has flown by. Seems like yesterday I was getting my first dose of AC. This is bitter sweet for me. I am excited that this is the last one. My blood levels were good this time so no more blood transfusions! Yeah me!
In just 3 short weeks I will be having my mastectomy and hysterectomy. That in it self seems far away and yet very close to happening.
It is going to be a busy next three weeks. Hopefully this last Taxol will be nice to me as the others were and I am just tired. I am so glad I did not get sick at all while on treatment this was one of my biggest fears. I am off for now almost time to start my Taxol! :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Next Steps....

I seem to do better when I look to the next step. What will happen next? I am worried what will happen when I am done with radiation and I am waiting for the reconstruction? What kind of appointments will I have? Also I know there is so much out there on what tests to get what not to get. I want to know all of this now! I know it is bad and not even something I should be thinking of right now, but I want to know what will happen long term.
I have also been thinking a lot of my mother. I think her doctor was an idiot and if he would have done some testing on her when she first was sick with the cough maybe she would have been with us longer. For that I am just plain angry. But this is one of the reasons why I keep going to the long term.
When my mother was 32 she was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. Her mother had passed away from it when she was 43 also. I don't think my mother ever thought she would get cancer again (if she did she never told me) she was very good about always going back to the gynecologist for her checkups and getting her CA-125 checked. She wouldn't even switch doctors because he was the one that she felt saved her. She was also very on top of me always going to get my annual exam and when it came out that woman who were on the pill had a less of a chance of getting ovarian cancer she came home and told me to go on the pill.
Again breast cancer was the furthest thing on our minds. I have been thinking a lot of my mom during this whole thing. I feel like I should celebrate the ending of Chemo on Wednesday so way but I am not sure, what am I really celebrating the end of Chemo means that I get to go onto the next step surgery.
Steps I need to remember baby steps...with each baby step it will bring me closer to the main goal NED.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sunday Morning Ramblings......

Friday seemed to be a rough day for me at work. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that I have been getting very little sleep. Even taking something was only giving me about four hours of sleep a night. The steroids are wrecking havoc on me.
After the last treatment my hands swelled up and were hurting. No reason why they think maybe one of the inactive ingredients may have changed. So they needed to put me back on steroids. My feet are hurting too and have peeled again.
So I was feeling pretty down. Last night I finally got a good night sleep. Amazing what that will do for you.
Today is my wedding anniversary. Eight years married and fifteen years together. We have been through it all.
Wednesday is my last chemo treatment at the cancer center before I transfer my care over to Duke. This week Duke hosted a conference on the fact that those who had a breast navigator helped during their treatments. I truly believe that. She fought the insurance company to get the simple drugs that I needed approved and helped when I felt I just had some weird questions.
I plan on asking Duke to also be put in touch with their navigator. I like having that connection.
Lately though what has been on my mind is the after care. What happens when I am all done with treatments. I don't just want to be sent on my way with a see you in 6 months. I have been searching the internet for after care put there doesn't seem to be much. I am hoping that changes.

Friday, February 1, 2013

On Step Closer

Yesterday I went to sign the surgery consent for the hysterectomy. I took Richie with me so he can meet the doctor. She went over all the risks and what would happen if they see anything while in there. They will also do a full pathology report on everything. I should find out the next day hopefully but I am thinking pathology will take longer.
I am starting to get everything together for the surgery. It keeps my mind busy. I wrote out a list of all the doctors and the numbers and I will keep that on the fridge and by my bed. I am also getting my list of supplies together.

When I came home last night Richie said to me I don't know how you do this. I have appointments in the morning then worked until 9 then came home.
I do it for him and Tyler nothing is going to stop me from kicking this cancers ass and doing everything in my power to prevent it from coming back. I am no longer focused on getting through my last treatment but now on survivorship.
So of course I am turning o the internet’s!
I have begun to really use twitter to see what is out there and trying to get all my facts together. I am wondering if it would be better to do chemo again before radiation. To give myself better survival rates? I have lots of questions already for the oncologist when I switch everything over to Duke.
I have contacted army of woman and am joining one of their study groups and I have also signed up for the Health of Woman Study.
If I can help one person it makes all this worth it. My mind is full of lots today and I feel like this post is all over the place. Sorry for that.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Chemo # 7

Yesterday was my 7th Taxol treatment, so I have one more to go! Yeah!
When Richie drove me we also had Tyler since he is tracked out of school. We just told him I was going to the doctor. Even though he wanted to come in we said no. It really is not a place for him and it is being selfish on my part but I an trying to keep as much of this away from him as possible.
Of course yesterday's blood draw showed that my HGB was very low I am happy that they decided to do my treatment anyway but I am getting a blood transfusion today.
I am actually sitting in the hospital now getting the premeds. They joys of being a cancer patient.
I don't have that much more to say today.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Health Insurance

When I lived in NY I never gave much thought about going to the doctor or having health insurance. I had it always through my job I paid my co-pay and went along life.
Fast forward to 2010 when I had no insurance and was pregnant..I knew that I would have to have a c-section since I had on with Tyler. I was starting a new job and in NC a pregnancy was considered a pre existing cause. Okay what do I do now? So I went down to DSS my very first experience. It was okay but not very pleasant. They told me they could give me insurance through Medicaid and would also cover Tyler. I was very grateful to have insurance again but now it was time to find a doctor who would accept Medicaid for me. I did find one eventually and was able to be seen by the doctor. My pregnancy at that point turned into a miscarriage and I stop the Medicaid for me but for Tyler he would be covered until I got health insurance on my own. Since I had just started a new job I knew that would not be much longer.
Insurance has changed over the years and I was not that knowledgeable at that point I picked an insurance company and instead of co-pay I now had a 20% coinsurance and a deductible. I had no idea what this meant.
Fast forward again to 2012 I am very grateful that I had insurance when I found my lump. But it also meant that I would have to pay out a lot in co-pays. Thousands of dollars. I will be paying for a very long time. I am trying to work with the many different labs and doctors for the co-pay’s.
Now in 2013 I am much for insurance savvy (not really) My Company offered a high deductible plan with a $5,000 deductible for the family. Okay this would be good for us. Knowing already that I would reach that with my first chemotherapy treatment, the cancer center where I am currently at has given me financial aid for anything that my insurance does not cover.
That being said it took me 17 days! Yes only 17 days to reach my deductible for the year. I am so happy about this and it has been a great relief for me. Every day I thank God I have insurance. I am also very grateful for any financial aid I have received so far. I still have a very long road ahead of me and there will be many doctor appointments over the next five years but it will be all worth it in the end. I am here.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Surgery Booked

My first appointment of the day yesterday was with  with the new radiation oncologist. Dr. Horton was really nice and I liked her.. She states that I would start radiation about 6 weeks after my surgery. The radiation will be at Duke in Durham and it is every day for 6 weeks 5 days a week so it will be a little rough and going to work afterwards but it will all be worth it in the end.  
The second appointment was with the breast surgeon Dr. Greenup . We went over the surgery and I signed the consult papers for February 27th. So it is all set. They will do the left breast mastectomy and the hysterectomy on that day and should be in surgery for about 4 hours so it will be a long day. I will only be in the hospital overnight. I am happy for that. At least I get to come home and recover here. I will have drains in me for about 7 to 10 days. I will be out of work for about 6 weeks.
The third appointment was with the plastic surgeon Dr. Holienbeck. He said I can have the TRAM Flap surgery. I am happy about that. Yes it will be a longer recovery time about  5 days in the hospital and then about 6 weeks at home. The reconstruction will not be until about 6 months after the end of radiation so I am looking at end of October early November for the reconstruction. That will be about a 6 month time frame from start to finish.
So it looks like this whole breast cancer thing will last about a year and a half time in total. It is going to be a long road to recovery but it will be all worth it in the end.
Two more Chemotherapy treatments and then my preop stuff at Duke. February will be a very busy month for me between appointments and work but I am ready.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Chemo # 6

At yesterday's treatment I saw the doctor beforehand. He was very pleased with the results of the chemo so far. I have of course have new side effects this time my hands are peeling from the chemo not just my feet anymore. They got me in so late yesterday though so I was pretty far behind. I did pretty well on the treatment and no issues.
Tyler has been having problems in school this week. He asked me a couple of times over the weekend if I was sick and we kind of blew him off but I think it is time to tell him. He has also been asking when my hair will grow back long. I spoke to Richie about it today and we are going to come up with a plan to tell him. Was not looking forward to this day but I knew it had to happen soon. There is only so much you can hide from kids.
I have been learning new things on Twitter and Facebook this week too regarding my cancer and how to make sure I have all my health records when I leave the doctor’s office. Something I never thought of even though I have all my labs from the Cancer Center. I never got my medical records from my first breast surgeon so I am picking up those today. I do keep everything though in a big 3 ring binder. I also need to get back my disks from Duke. So I will ask for that tomorrow.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Getting Nervous

I can't believe how well I did on Taxol. I really wasn't at all too tired. So that was a good thing. Wednesday I have treatment #6 and on Friday I go back to Duke Cancer Center for my appointment with the radiation oncologist, breast surgeon and plastic surgeon. Looking forward to those appointments to see when the surgery will be and also find out about the reconstruction. So lots to do this week.
It will be a busy but productive week.