Thursday, January 10, 2013

Chemo # 6

At yesterday's treatment I saw the doctor beforehand. He was very pleased with the results of the chemo so far. I have of course have new side effects this time my hands are peeling from the chemo not just my feet anymore. They got me in so late yesterday though so I was pretty far behind. I did pretty well on the treatment and no issues.
Tyler has been having problems in school this week. He asked me a couple of times over the weekend if I was sick and we kind of blew him off but I think it is time to tell him. He has also been asking when my hair will grow back long. I spoke to Richie about it today and we are going to come up with a plan to tell him. Was not looking forward to this day but I knew it had to happen soon. There is only so much you can hide from kids.
I have been learning new things on Twitter and Facebook this week too regarding my cancer and how to make sure I have all my health records when I leave the doctor’s office. Something I never thought of even though I have all my labs from the Cancer Center. I never got my medical records from my first breast surgeon so I am picking up those today. I do keep everything though in a big 3 ring binder. I also need to get back my disks from Duke. So I will ask for that tomorrow.


  1. Remember also to get your pictures from any tests so that if you need 2nd opinions they can see the actual mammography, MRI, ultrasound, biopsy...etc. It's really important to have your own file with all of this.
    I know that it is hard to tell your son, but you know it's time. There are ways to gently be reassuring and I bet once you tell him you will be so relieved! Good luck with all of this.
    XoXoXo - Susan

  2. Thanks a4bc I am working on getting all my medical records too!
