Friday, February 1, 2013

On Step Closer

Yesterday I went to sign the surgery consent for the hysterectomy. I took Richie with me so he can meet the doctor. She went over all the risks and what would happen if they see anything while in there. They will also do a full pathology report on everything. I should find out the next day hopefully but I am thinking pathology will take longer.
I am starting to get everything together for the surgery. It keeps my mind busy. I wrote out a list of all the doctors and the numbers and I will keep that on the fridge and by my bed. I am also getting my list of supplies together.

When I came home last night Richie said to me I don't know how you do this. I have appointments in the morning then worked until 9 then came home.
I do it for him and Tyler nothing is going to stop me from kicking this cancers ass and doing everything in my power to prevent it from coming back. I am no longer focused on getting through my last treatment but now on survivorship.
So of course I am turning o the internet’s!
I have begun to really use twitter to see what is out there and trying to get all my facts together. I am wondering if it would be better to do chemo again before radiation. To give myself better survival rates? I have lots of questions already for the oncologist when I switch everything over to Duke.
I have contacted army of woman and am joining one of their study groups and I have also signed up for the Health of Woman Study.
If I can help one person it makes all this worth it. My mind is full of lots today and I feel like this post is all over the place. Sorry for that.

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