Friday, December 28, 2012

#5 and the start of Taxol

The holiday's were okay my MIL came in for Christmas and left today. I am feeling somewhat better since the blood transfusion but it did not raise my levels enough so I may have to have another one.
I seem to be the queen of rare side effects. but what can I say I strive to be unique and different!
On Wednesday I started my first Taxol treatment and it went okay very long and the bones are achey from it. To be expected.
I am almost done with Chemo and have 3 treatments left. So far I have a tentative surgery date for 2/27 looking forward to that and starting the new chapter in this battle.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Halfway done with bumps in the road

Last weekend I took Tyler to see Santa at the mall. As we were standing on line waiting another woman walked up behind me and said I sported that same look a couple of months ago. That is when I realized that I belong to a club I never wanted to be part of. But talking with her was good and it was her second time with breast cancer.
On Wednesday I had my 4th treatment of Chemo so that makes me halfway through treatments only 4 left to go. This one though was a little harder. I had to get a blood transfusion this time around. So that was interesting. I am hoping that this makes me feel better and less tired, but so far it has not. I guess I do need to give it some time though.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Chemo # 3.......

Last Wednesday the 28th I had my 3rd round of chemo. Or as I like to call it the one that kicked my ass. They started late. i had to get the blood draw from my hand instead of my port because they were backed up. Once that was done I spoke to the PA and she informed me that my HGB counts are very low and if it continues on this path then I will need to get a blood transfusion after the next round. I guess it is par for the course with me. If it can go wrong then it will.
I went to work on Thursday and Friday I was pretty tired but got through it.
Then came Saturday I was tired I slept until 9 am and thought I could go to the mall but was barely able to get myself dressed without feeling tired. I wound up going to sleep most of the day and then slept through the night. I was still pretty tired on Sunday so it was another relaxing day and in bed by 9.
If it wasn’t for Richie I don't know what I would have done throughout all of this. He has been there for me for everything and taking care of everything.