Friday, February 8, 2013

Looking Back...

I can’t believe that it has been 4 ½ months since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. When I look back I knew something was wrong and I knew it was cancer. When I went for my annual mammogram I told the tech where the mass was and she told me I would have to come back to get an ultrasound. Once I had the ultrasound and they said I should have a biopsy I took things into my own hands. I did not wait for the Doctor to call me.
There is not much I would have done different through this whole thing. I think the main thing though is I would not have been so hesitant to get a second opinion. I love the new breast surgeon she takes the time that is needed to sit with me. I don’t feel rushed at all in her office and I feels that she cares for me as a person and not just a number. The other breast surgeon was kind of very cut dry and was like yes this cancer and here are all your appointments over the next couple of days and I will see you next week.
When I went to Duke for the second opinion and they knew it was the second opinion both the breast surgeon and the oncologist took their time with me.
The oncologist that I saw the 1st time also took his time with me but when I took my cousin to some of the appointments he was pretty dismissive with her and I didn’t really like that.
I like the idea of having all my stuff in one center and everyone having access to each other. Where as if I kept the oncology part at CCNC they would have to get my stuff from Duke. Since I am planning on doing the radiation at Duke it was easier to just transfer everything there. So it will be done as of Monday.
I am actually looking forward to Monday’s appointment it will answer many questions I have about afterwards and they might not be answered until after surgery but at least I can see what the team is thinking.
I have a good feeling about the surgery, I am hoping that everything goes well during surgery and I get clean margins. I am a little nervous though. I guess I should be I took on Chemo head on and knew I needed to get through this. Now that it is over I can’t believe that I worked through the whole thing. One thing I am very grateful for the fact that I did not get sick at all. Yes I had complications during it but I was able to handle all of them. I am hoping that I can do the same through the recovery. I am nervous more about the drains though and how do I explain the surgery to Tyler. I hope he does okay with it. But that we won’t know until I am home.
19 days and counting!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?



