Tumor marker results in all 3 are normal
CA125 -10
CEA - 1.0
CA 27.29 - 28
In October my CA125 was 89
Chemo is working!!! I am over the mood excited that the chemotherapy is working and this put me in such a good mood on Tuesdsy. Although it was short lived.
I was in my room doing things and got the tube caught on my bed and ripped it out. So I was off to the emergency room and an overnight stay at Duke. I didn't pull out the track so that was a good thing.
I have my scans on March 27th so that will confirm everything.
My appointment with the rumortologist was cancelled because of the snow so that will happen on March 11th. I am still waiting for John Hopkins to call me and let me know if they will take my case for the retropertinal fibrosis. I am really hoping they do. I would like to start to get this under control now that the cancer is under control.
On Monday I get my nipple tattoo from Dr Hollenbeck I am also hoping that he will be willing to fix the left boob. Since the cancer is somewhat under control I can start to do things that will help with my quality of life. I finally feel like I am in a place where I will live for a very long time. I have lots to look forward too and live for.